Tuesday 23 October 2012

More activity please!

Yes, I want to lose weight.
Yes, I want it instantly, but,
No, it's not going to happen!

I don't think my diet is horrifically awful, I mean, it's not the best and it definitely needs tweaking and to be honest it's prob worse than I think. But I don't spend all day eating cake and sweets. So I think mostly I need to get active and I need to love it.

My brother and sister-in-law recently suggested we go on bike rides around our local park and area.. but to my embarrassment and their amusement/shock I had to reveal that I do not know how to ride a bike! :S My mum blames it on the other kids in the neighbourhood laughing and putting me off when I first started at the normal age haha but honestly I don't know why I never really tried. Maybe it was the other children, but maybe I just thought I'd never need to learn? Here I am at 22 however, and I plan on learning!

I spoke to my friend about this the other day and she just said 'good luck'. This makes me more determined than ever. I can definitely do this, if a kid can then so can I! Granted you learn things better when you are younger but why can't a 22 year old be better at it? Tomorrow I fully plan on getting my sister's old bike (which she has not taken with her yet) out of the garage and seeing what I can do in the back garden... more on this in a later post then.

I've also started going on walks at least 5 times a week to just get active again. I can't bare to think how many days I have barely moved a few metres from lack of anything to do or just sitting at my desk sewing... You've gotta start somewhere, right?

Saturday 20 October 2012

How I plan to re-invent myself...

So, my previous post title was about being a 'new' me.. and this is the current list of how I plan on reinventing myself!

Since graduating from Uni this past July I've felt a bit like I've hit a dead end, where perhaps it is the exact opposite. Recently I often have to remind myself that I'm only 22 and I have only just come out of full time education. If you count it all (pre-school, primary, secondary, uni), I have pretty much had my life laid out and prepared for me since I was born. But now I have to organise it all and plan where it is I think I am supposed to be going.. and this petrifies me!

Long story short, I am a costume maker. I make costumes, I suppose, for a living. But the lack of money in this career has made me doubt such things lately. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job and I always knew there was little money in it but the only jobs I have had thus far are little to no pay and at the moment I just don't see how I can make a living off this alone. So I have been exploring other ideas and opportunities I could have... but more on that later... maybe ;) I suppose that is my first 'new' me plan but the thing is, I don't want to tell anyone about that just yet!

Typically as a girl, I have had a haircut, adding a fringe to the ol' mop and have recently decided to grow it out again after having it all cut off two summers ago. I am ready for my long hair to make a comeback. Other vain changes include trying new make up and having a proper go at nail art now I have time to experiment. Haha

Another big ol' chunk of change is my weight. Being a female, clearly I'm always after loosing some pounds but I've always put my degree and learning first which I have no regrets with. But now I have my degree and a lot of free time I plan on really making this a goal! Especially with my family recently booking a holiday to Barbados... I now have a target and that is, I have just under 10 months to get into shape so I don't feel so self conscious at the beach!

So I'm not entirely sure if this has all made sense but the two main things in my life at the moment are loosing weight and defining my future career... both will take time and determination! Unsure if this is too personal yet for a blog but I'm kind of treating it all like a diary to write down my thoughts :) Everything is a little cluttered in here at the moment.

I have decided that I don't want my blog to be all text so I am going to have at least one picture in each blog post... whether it is relevant or not :)

Thursday 18 October 2012

New me, new blog.

Once again, I have deleted my entire blog in order to re-invent it. Previously, it had been about academic successes and failures with little to no personal information, but all of this is to change!

With hours of free time on my hands now that I am without study or job, I find myself at a loss of what to do. I will fill some of these hours on here, writing about my life and all that I succeed or fail to do personally.

I find this all a bit daunting to be honest so bear with me...